


domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

Clixsense Dejará su sistema PTC

Amigos hoy un domingo en la noche yo entro como siempre de rutina en la mejor PTC del mundo y es que me voy dando cuenta que ellos han publicado 2 noticias de las cuales leo en un cierto tiempo. Por lo que al leer todo esa controversia me voy dando cuenta que :
"Clixsense deja de ser una PTC"
Creo que con este mensaje muchos piensan que Clixsense abandonara el negocio, pero déjenme decirles que no, ellos solo quitaran los anuncios PTC y su nuevo modelo de negocio seguirá igual simplemente quitaran los anuncios y solo serán encuestas, ofertas, etc...
Eso dejo entender el administrador con el siguiente mensaje, esta en ingles y si no sabes solo hay que traducirlo :D .

Members, more than 10 years ago we came online strictly as a PTC. As all things go, the ClixSense business model has changed over the years and with the addition of Crowdflower tasks, offers and surveys our core business has shifted. No longer are we just a PTC, but instead ClixSense has grown to be one of the top performing survey networks in the world.
While our survey, task and offer business has grown significantly, the PTC side of our business has been on a downward slide for some time now and more so since the loss of Paypal back in February.
Being in the PTC industry has it's positives and negatives. The positive side of things is that we can provide you with an easy way to earn a little money and for advertisers we can send a large amount of traffic to their websites for a very reasonable price. The negative side of things is a bit more extreme. This caused us to lose our Paypal account (or so they claim), it places us into a high risk category any time we apply for a merchant account or new payment processor. It gives companies a negative feeling about us because this industry is loaded with fraud. What I mean by that is companies who we've approached to partner with us refuse to do so because of our affiliation with PTC. And lastly, from a revenue standpoint, it's not profitable at all.
With the negatives out weighing the positives, and after 10 years in the PTC business, we have decided to move forward without PTC. Beginning July 15th, 2017 PTC ads will be removed from ClixSense. Along with the removal of PTC we have also decided to remove ClixGrid and the premium upgrades, including the corresponding 8-level commission structure. As of today, July 1st we will stop selling upgrades, PTC advertising and ClixGrid. Those of you who have ad credits on your account may still use them until July 15th. Any member who has purchased an upgrade in the last 24 hours will be immediately refunded today. We are stopping the sales so any remaining ad credits or ClixGrid campaigns can expire.
With the removal of upgrades we will no longer have 2 membership types. Instead, all members will have the same policies and options available to them and this includes cashouts. We have decided that we will raise the minimum cashout for all members to $10.00. This is still very reasonable and lower than many other companies in this vertical.
So what does all this mean?
Well, a lot actually. Any member who had purchased an upgrade in the last year will receive a prorated refund for any unused portion of their upgrade. This refund will be credited back to your account balance on or shortly after July 15th. The amount of prorated refund will be credited at 4.5 cents per day remaining on your premium account.
We know with the removal of upgrades and the 8 tier affiliate program that this may have an impact on some members with a large downline. To compensate for this ClixSense will now pay an incredible 20% commission on all direct referral activities. We will offer a single level affiliate program only and this commission is the same for all members as we will no longer have 2 different membership types. This change makes all members equal so everyone will have the same earning potential. This means if you are a standard member now (not upgraded) this change has given you a 200% increase in affiliate commissions (from 5% to 20%). For those members who are premium this is a 100% increase from your current affiliate commissions (from 10% to 20%).
* Please note, the 20% affiliate commission may be adjusted at a later date. We will keep this at 20% for a short time and then we will review our numbers and adjust from there, if necessary. If we end up lowering the commission, it should not be reduced to lower than 15%, which is still more than a premium member was making.
This new higher commission will generate more money for you than what the 8 tier affiliate program did. The reason is more members will do surveys, tasks and offers than those that would purchase an upgrade. In some cases this change can boost a members earnings significantly.
The checklist bonus will now give a possible 10% bonus to all members and the requirement for clicking PTC ads & ClixGrid will be removed.
Daily Checklist Bonus 7.0%
Activity Extra Bonus 2.0%
ClixAddon Extra Bonus 1.0%
Maximum Possible Bonus 10.0%
We realize this may come as a surprise to you but this is a change that had to be done. ClixSense will continue to be the best it can be and move forward because of your support. We are always looking for new ways for you to earn money and will not stop trying to improve our service.
Along with all these changes you will also notice a brand new look for ClixSense. A new website layout with a responsive design (mobile friendly) that is very pleasing to look at and easy to use.
So to recap:
• PTC ads will be removed.
• ClixGrid will be removed
• Premium upgrades and the corresponding 8-level commission structure, removed
• Minimum cashout for all members is $10.00
• Affiliate commissions upped to 20% for all members
• Checklist bonus will now pay a maximum of 10% if all requirements met.

Y si te dio un poco de flojera leer todo eso, bueno no te preocupes yo te resumo todo lo que dijeron un poco mas resumido, primero que nada nos tenemos que ir a los puntos mas importantes (ya estan traducidos).

• Los anuncios PTC se eliminarán.
• ClixGrid se eliminará
• Actualizaciones Premium y la correspondiente estructura de comisiones de 8 niveles,
• El retiro mínimo para todos los socios es de $ 10.00
• Comisiones de afiliados aumentaron al 20% para todos los miembros
• El bono de lista de cheques ahora pagará un máximo de 10% si se cumplen todos los requisitos.

• Los anuncios PTC se eliminarán.
R= Como os explique arriba clixsense dejara los anuncios PTC (Paid to click) y lo hizo porque le daban mala reputación y con esa mala reputación los anunciantes no se promocionaban en clixsense. Paypal le dio el tiro de gracia cuando dejo de asociarse con ellos, en mi opinión creo que las PTC ya no están de moda en el Internet y ya no es un negocio rentable ahora mismo las encuestas y ofertas están en una muy buena posecion. Clixsense gana mas con encuestas y ofertas o tareas aunque también con la promoción de anuncio pero como digo les daba mala reputacion a las empresas grandes y es por eso que clixsense hará ese cambio.

• ClixGrid se eliminará.
Al ser un sistema PTC o coolaboracion con promocion de anuncios dejara de existir.

Actualizaciones Premium y la correspondiente estructura de comisiones de 8 niveles.
• Comisiones de afiliados aumentaron al 20% para todos los miembros
Tambien clixsense quitara las cuentas premium con su siguiente sistemas por lo que a los que compraron este año su membresia o lo que son premium se les rembolsara el dinero a través de la cuenta balance. Yo escuche rumores que como premium nos estarán dando $0.45 al día, es un pequeño rumor eeehhh.
Habra un cambio en el sistema de referidos, un standar ganaba el 5%  y un premium el 10% de sus referidos. Es la mejor noticias por que ahora con el cambio como ahora habra una sola membresia (standar) se ganara el 20% por las actividades de nuestros referidos. OJO: Esto sera por un tiempo limitado en lo que clixsense se regula, tampoco os emocionareis tanto jajaja.

• El retiro mínimo para todos los socios es de $ 10.00
Los minimos de retiros en standar era de $8 y premium $6. Pero con el cambio sube $10

• El bono de lista de cheques ahora pagará un máximo de 10% si se cumplen todos los requisitos.
Por ultimo las listas de las actividades que completas al día cambiaran y te regalaran el 10% algo muy bueno por que si nos ganamos $10 en un día completando la tablita nos llevaremos de retorno $1

Estos cambios serán hechos a partir del 15 de julio, pero enviaron otro comunicado que como es fin de semana se mueven hasta el 17.
Por mi parte es todo, fue un post muy largo pero informativo jeje haremos un vídeo explicando un poco mas sobre ellos y si te quieres unir a esta web, solo da click en el banner de abajo.

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